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Home Proactive vs. Active Tax Planning!

Proactive vs. Active Tax Planning!

    Proactive vs. active tax planning

    There are essentially two distinct approaches that Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) adopt.

    First, we have the compliance-oriented CPA. This type of CPA typically enters the picture during the annual tax return season. Your interaction with them is fairly straightforward and occurs once a year. They focus on ensuring that your tax returns are accurately prepared and submitted, resulting in a modest fee for their compliance services. After settling your considerable tax bill, you express your gratitude and the cycle repeats itself after a year.

    On the other hand, there’s the proactive tax planning CPA. Interaction with this type of CPA is more frequent and strategic, occurring about 4-5 times annually. These meetings are much more in-depth and cover a range of proactive strategies. Topics of discussion include:

    • Evaluating the benefits of electing into pass-through entity taxation.
    • Analyzing whether increasing reasonable compensation could enhance your Qualified Business Income (QBI) deduction and whether this increase outweighs the additional payroll tax.
    • Considering the structuring of your LLC as an S Corporation.
    • Assessing the need for incorporating a C Corporation for fringe benefit purposes.
    • Exploring the use of real estate investments and cost segregation studies to reduce taxable income.
    • Projecting your tax liabilities for the upcoming years and determining appropriate quarterly payments.
    • Debating the suitability of a captive insurance plan for your business, including contribution limits.
    • Determining the feasibility of employing your children through your business.
    • Planning for trusts to navigate the potential changes in estate tax laws in 2025.
    • And numerous other critical financial considerations.

    Thanks to these proactive planning sessions, you could see a substantial reduction in your tax obligations. This decision, while seemingly straightforward, is often overlooked by many. However, its impact on your financial health can be significant and long-lasting. Let’s dive even deeper into year-end tax planning strategies.

    John Gonzales

    John Gonzales

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